Before enrolling, it's recommended to verify with the school you're considering. For our Segment-1 students, there is NO RE-ENROLLMENT FEE FOR MISSED CLASSES, & MAKEUP CLASSES ARE OFFERED AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. Our students LOVE OUR EXCLUSIVE PREMIER Behind-the-Wheel Program featuring cutting-edge BRAND NEW 2023 and 2024 Vehicles, providing an UNMATCHED Driving Experience...

Private Lessons

Private Lessons class - 6 Hours

total cost : $450.00

Pay via Debit/Credit Card
I do not have a Debit/Credit Card

All services or programs must be paid for at the time of registration. If you do not have a debit or credit card, please call 1(866) 611-3552 to make other arrangements.

Note: If you do not have a debit or credit card, please call our office at 1(866)611-3552 to make other arrangements.